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Pedestrian Deaths from Car Accidents Reach Unprecedented High

 Posted on May 14, 2019 in Car Accidents

San Jose personal injury attorneyWalking instead of using a car for transportation has many environmental and health benefits. Unfortunately, recent studies show that simply walking down the street is now more dangerous than ever. According to a report published earlier this year from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), pedestrian deaths from car accidents are higher than ever. In 2008, a little over 4,000 pedestrians lost their lives in the United States. In 2017, that number had risen to just under 6,000 deaths. If you or someone you love was struck by a vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages.

Night Continues to Be the Most Dangerous Time for Pedestrians

The overall number of pedestrians who were killed in traffic incidents has risen dramatically in recent years. In fact, pedestrian fatalities for 2018 are projected to be the worst in nearly 30 years. Interestingly, daytime pedestrian fatalities have remained relatively constant while nighttime incidents have increased dramatically. During the period from 2008-2017, approximately 90 percent of pedestrian deaths happened at high. Experts suggest wearing reflective clothing when walking at night whenever possible.

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Sleepy Truck Drivers Put Motorists’ Lives at Risk

 Posted on May 06, 2019 in Truck Accidents

San Jose truck accident attorneyDriving an 18-wheeler truck or tractor-trailer is not an easy job. Often, drivers are expected to drive hundreds of miles a day and deal with stresses like traffic congestion, detours, and other slowdowns which make their days even longer. Unfortunately, this leads to many drivers being chronically exhausted and sleep-deprived. Some truck drivers end up taking stimulants just to stay awake and drive. If you were injured or a loved one was killed in an accident involving a fatigued or otherwise incapacitated truck driver, you may be able to get financial compensation for your losses.

Studies Show Truck Driver Fatigue is a Major Factor in Truck Accidents

In a study conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), it was found that approximately 13 percent of serious crashes involving large trucks are caused by driver fatigue. Other factors which contributed to serious truck accidents include driver drug use, including both legal and illegal drugs, inattention to the road, and driver illness. Truck drivers are often operating vehicles that can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. A vehicle of this size can do cause colossal damage during a crash.

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Distracted Drivers Are a Danger to Other Motorists

 Posted on March 18, 2019 in Car Accidents

San Jose personal injury attorneyGetting into a car accident can be terrifying. In the moments after an accident, most people are not considering the financial cost the accident will bring. However, after the accident is over and their injuries have been treated, the question of expense arises. If you have been hit by a distracted driver, you may wonder whether or not you have a valid personal injury claim. There are many factors which can contribute to the success or failure of accident injury claims. If you have been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, read on to learn more.

Drivers Texting and Driving Are Usually Considered Negligent

Texting and driving has become a serious danger in the United States. A shocking number of car accidents are directly linked to distracted, including texting or otherwise using a cell phone while driving. The statistics involving the dangers of distracted driving are sobering. Over 1000 people are injured every day in traffic accidents involving a distracted driver and approximately nine individuals die from these accidents each day.

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You May Be Eligible for Compensation if You Were Injured By a Distracted Driver

 Posted on January 07, 2019 in Car Accidents

San Jose personal injury attorneyWe have all done it. You are driving along the highway when your phone rings. You know you should ignore the incessant ringing until you are not driving, but temptation wins and you reach for your phone. Distractions like cell phones contribute to nearly 80 percent of car crashes, according to some estimates The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 3,450 lives were lost in accidents involving a distracted driver in 2016. If you have been in a car accident caused by a driver who was not paying attention or was distracted, you may be able to recover compensation for your damages through a personal injury lawsuit.

Distractions Which Can Cause Traffic Accidents

For many, driving a motor vehicle becomes second nature. Although most people exhibit cautious behavior when they are first learning to drive, after a while, many people become careless regarding safe driving habits. About 2 percent of all distracted driver traffic fatalities are caused simply by drivers who take their hands off the wheel to adjust the radio or climate controls. Driving with other people in the vehicle can be a major source of distractions as well. About 5 percent of traffic fatalities in relation to distracted driving are attributed to the passengers in the car. This phenomenon is especially true of teenaged drivers. Research shows that when a teen drives with two or more passengers, the likelihood that they will be involved in a fatal car accident increases by a factor of five.

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Limiting the Risk of Drunk Driving Accidents During the Holidays

 Posted on November 20, 2018 in Car Accidents

San Jose personal injury attorneyThe holidays can be the most magical time of the year. Seeing old friends and family, watching children open presents, or sharing a favorite holiday meal can put a smile on anyone’s face. The holidays are also the time of year that many people travel. The increase in traffic combined with hurried drivers eager to make it to their destination on time can make travelling during the holidays challenging. When individuals add drinking and driving to the equation, the risk of getting into an auto accident skyrockets. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that drunk driving usually contributes to approximately 30 percent of highway fatalities. However, this number doubles to nearly 60 percent during the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. This holiday season, make a commitment not to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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The Dangers of a Quick Settlement After a Car Crash

 Posted on November 13, 2018 in Car Accidents

San Jose personal injury attorneyWhen you have been hurt in a car accident, you may be facing a myriad of challenges, including recovering from your injuries, getting back to work, and generally dealing with the aftermath of the crash. Unfortunately, things can become even more difficult when the insurance companies get involved.

While insurance coverage is a consideration in virtually every car accident, it is not uncommon for carriers to offer much less than you would need to start putting your life back together properly. Insurance companies are well-known for their “lowball” settlement offers that seek to minimize their payouts and avoid costly litigation.

Protecting Yourself from Insurance Companies

If you were injured in a crash and are in the process of negotiating with an adjuster—either from your own insurer or that of the party who caused your accident—it is important to keep in mind that:

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Cell Phone Notifications Alone Can Cause Driver Distractions

 Posted on October 19, 2018 in Car Accidents

San Jose personal injury attorneysFor years now, public awareness campaigns have been reinforcing the inherent danger of cell phone use while driving. In fact, one could argue that the war against texting and driving is nearly equivalent to the anti-drunk driving efforts of the 1980’s. Today, 47 states and the District of Columbia have instituted complete bans on texting while driving, while Texas and Missouri maintain bans for younger drivers. Only Montana and Arizona have no laws prohibiting such mobile device use. However, a new study suggests that simply hearing a cell phone notification may be just as distracting as actually using the device.

Interesting Research

Conducted by researchers at Florida State University, the study was published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology. Lead author Cary Stothart and his team examined the impact to an individual’s attention caused by a cell phone notification—either an audible tone or vibration—while performing a task that demanded concentration. Using a non-driving computer project, test subjects were asked to perform an attention-intensive task twice. During the second round, participants received either a call, a text, or no notification, but were not permitted answer the call or read the message. The subjects were not aware that the texts and calls were part of the study.

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Watch for Delayed Symptoms After a Car Accident

 Posted on October 05, 2018 in Car Accidents

San Jose personal injury attorney Auto accidents happen so quickly and are so traumatizing that a person’s adrenaline can mask the symptoms of an injury. Unfortunately, some of those injuries may be severe. In some cases, they may even be life-threatening. With that in mind, it is recommended that every accident victim know the most commonly experienced delayed injury symptoms. Learn more about them, and discover where you can find assistance with your claim, with help from the following information.

Head and Brain Injuries

Of all the types of injuries a victim can sustain during an accident, those involving the head are among the most common. They are also one of the easiest to miss. Victims may not be aware of hitting their head, may lose consciousness, and often lack any open wounds. Furthermore, it does not take an actual blow to the head to sustain a head injury; all that is needed is enough of a force to jar or shake the brain inside the skull. If you experience persistent headaches; changes in mood, personality, or physical function; or feel dizzy or lose consciousness, seek immediate medical help. You may have a head or brain injury.

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Safety Features to Consider When Looking for a New Car

 Posted on September 26, 2018 in Car Accidents

San Jose car accident attorneyAccording to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 2 and 3 million Americans experience an auto accident injury that requires emergency medical attention each year. Overall, that same care is expected to cost victims some $18 billion throughout the course of their lives. Those accidents also cost victims about $33 billion in lifetime employment earnings.

While not all accidents can be prevented, there are ways that victims can mitigate their risks. This is especially true when it comes to reducing the risk of serious injury—and it all starts with choosing the right vehicle for you and/or your family.

Using Safety Ratings to Choose Your Vehicle

Safety ratings come from all kinds of sources, but not all are unbiased or reliable. For example, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) tests and rates cars, but the agency only sets mandatory standards. In contrast, the U.S. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is a non-government agency. They are actually funded mostly by insurance companies, so they have a good reason to keep drivers safe behind the wheel.

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What You Should Know About Speeding-Related Accidents

 Posted on September 20, 2018 in Car Accidents

San Jose personal injury attorneyAmerica is full of busy people. There are workers rushing to their jobs, and parents shuffling their children off to school and soccer practice. Then there are those who are running late to a doctor’s appointment, or in a hurry to get to the airport. Unfortunately, all that hustle and bustle means that some drivers are going faster than they should. That can increase their risk of causing an accident, and may also lead to more serious injuries for victims. If one has happened to you or someone you love, know your rights, including your right to pursue full and fair compensation.

Respect for Speed Limits is Deteriorating

While most people do recognize that speed limits are the law and not a suggestion, researchers suggest there is an erosion of respect for those laws. In fact, a 2002 study found that one-third of drivers admitted to regularly driving at least 10 miles an hour faster than other road users. These were all self-reported incidents, which suggests the numbers could be much higher.

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