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What Damages Can I Recover After a California Motorcycle Accident?
According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, approximately 500 motorcyclists die and many more are injured in accidents each year, often because of another driver’s negligence. The physical, emotional, and financial costs for motorcycle accident victims can be extreme. If you have been injured in a crash, it is important that you understand how to pursue the compensation you need and deserve with the help of an experienced personal injury attorney.
Available Compensation for Motorcycle Crash Injuries
Although California law requires all motorcyclists to wear a helmet, they are still mostly unprotected compared to occupants of other vehicles. When accidents occur, injuries are often severe and have lasting impacts. When another party is at fault, you can pursue compensation through a personal injury lawsuit for damages including:
How Can I Protect My Children From Dog Bites in California?
Dogs have a reputation for being “man’s best friend,” and for many children, a good family dog can be a source of joy and companionship. However, when dogs feel scared, angry, or threatened, they may become aggressive, and young children are often the ones who suffer the consequences. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children are not only more likely to be bitten by a dog than adults, but their dog bite injuries also tend to be more serious. As a parent, you can help your children avoid dog bite injuries using a few effective strategies. Regardless, a California pet owner may be held liable for injuries inflicted by his dog depending on the circumstances.
How to Reduce the Risk of a Dog Bite
The key to preventing dog bite injuries is often helping your children understand a dog’s behavior and how they should act around a dog. Here are some suggestions that can keep your children safe:
Why Is Improperly Loaded Cargo So Dangerous in a Truck Accident?
According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number of people injured and killed in accidents involving large trucks has risen significantly in recent years. The primary danger is not to the truck drivers themselves, but to the occupants of the other involved vehicles, who account for over 70 percent of the annual fatalities. Truck accidents are dangerous not only because of the vehicles’ large size but also because of the heavy loads they carry. When those loads are not properly secured, they can lead to accidents in a number of ways.
How Unsecured Cargo Loads Cause Accidents in California
Semi-trucks are built to haul heavy weight, but in order to do so safely, they must be loaded properly with their cargo fully secured. When loose cargo shifts in transit, accidents often result because of one of the following reasons:
California Seat Belt Defense Law Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that approximately 90 percent of vehicle occupants in recent years use a seat belt and that seat belts save almost 15,000 lives each year. However, failing to wear a seat belt is still a significant factor in many vehicle-related deaths, as 47 percent of people killed in vehicle accidents in 2017 were not wearing a seat belt at the time. Even if you survive a car accident in which you were not wearing a seat belt, you may experience serious injuries resulting in costly medical expenses and a lasting impact on your quality of life. Furthermore, your failure to wear a seat belt may actually result in less compensation in a personal injury case.
How Do California Seat Belt Laws Affect Negligence?
California law requires vehicle occupants to wear a seat belt under most circumstances in recognition that doing so is the most effective way to save lives in the event of an accident. If you are wearing a seat belt and driving responsibly and you are involved in an accident caused by another driver’s negligence, you may be able to reduce or avoid serious injuries entirely. If you are seriously injured under these circumstances, you can make a strong claim that the other driver was completely at fault for the accident and seek full compensation for any damages resulting from your injuries.
Fumigation Chemicals Lead to Fatal Incident in Southern California
Due to the perennially warm climate, residential and commercial properties in California may require regular fumigation to help protect the health of both the buildings and their residents from infestations. Among the nastier types of insects, Californians may have to contend with are bed bugs, cockroaches, and termites. A report released by Orkin Pest Control ranking the top 50 cities most at risk for termite damage in the United States placed three major California cities within the top 15: San Diego in 11th place, San Francisco at 9th, and Los Angeles as the 2nd most at risk for termite damage in the entire country.
Due to the high risk of infestation, especially along coastal cities including San Jose, CA properties may require pest control operations—including fumigation—from time to time in order to ensure the structural integrity of buildings and the health of their residents. Although the process of fumigation is often considered low risk for humans when proper precautions are taken, the recent death of a Whittier resident as reported by The Mercury News highlights the fact that pest control operations are not without risk. “Pest exterminators were not actively working at the house at the time, but it was still filled with toxic chemicals,” the news agency reported.
When Is a Consumer Product Considered Defective in California?
Injuries associated with consumer products accounted “for nearly one-third of all unintentional fatal injuries and nearly half of medically attended nonfatal injuries,” according to a report released by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in 2018. Based on the latest data available—41,200 Americans are fatally wounded by a consumer product-related injury every year, and 39.8 million will require medical treatment for their injuries. This means nearly one out of every 10 Americans will receive medical attention due to such an injury.
What Is a Consumer Product?
The CPSC is a government agency created to protect citizens “from unreasonable risk of injury and death associated with consumer products.” The regulatory body excludes some common items from the definition of a “consumer product” because these items fall under the jurisdiction of other government agencies, including, but not limited to boats, firearms, tobacco, automobiles, and more.
When is a Golf Resort Legally Responsible for a Person’s Injuries?
For many people, there is little else they would rather do on a nice day than go golfing. While we do not typically think of golf as a sport that is likely to cause a player injury, serious golf resort injuries do occur. In some cases, the injury is simply caused by bad luck. In other cases, the injury is a direct result of the golf resort’s failure to maintain a safe premises. If you or a loved one have suffered a major injury at a golf course, you may wonder whether or not you will be entitled to compensation. Determining fault for a golf-related injury is often a tricky process, so getting help from an experienced personal injury attorney is crucial.
Premises Liability Injuries on a Golf Course
Golf is not a high impact sport, however, there are still many ways that someone playing golf can be seriously injured. Sometimes, the injury is the result of the player’s own actions. For example, if a golfer is driving a golf cart in a wildly erratic manner and crashes the vehicle, it is unlikely that the golf resort would be held liable for the golfer’s injuries. However, a golf resort may be liable for injuries caused by an unreasonably dangerous condition on the property.
Risk of Being Hurt in a Traffic Accident or Boating Accident Increases on Memorial Day Weekend
If you are like most people, you probably think of Memorial Day as the official beginning of summer activities. You may enjoy a cookout or day at the lake to commemorate the holiday, or you may simply enjoy the long weekend at home with your family. Whatever your Memorial Day plans, you should know that the risk of being a car accident or boat accident will be higher than normal during the holiday weekend.
Car Accidents Increase During Holidays
Memorial Day is considered one of the most dangerous days to be on the road for several reasons. For many, the holiday would not be complete without a summer cocktail or cold beer. Unfortunately, some people underestimate the amount of alcohol they are consuming and end up intoxicated behind the wheel. Drunk driving accidents peak during holidays such as Memorial Day. During the 2016 Memorial Day weekend, 36 percent of fatal car accidents involved a driver impaired by alcohol. Drugged driving is also a serious concern. People under the influence of cannabis, prescription drugs, or other substances may experience delayed reaction time and other effects that make them more likely to cause an accident. If you are planning to be on the roads during the upcoming holiday, make sure to be extra vigilant for drivers who are impaired by drugs or alcohol.
Injuries Caused By Building Code Violations
An unexpected accident such as slip and fall can happen to anyone at any time. Every year, millions of individuals are injured in accidents on both public and private properties. Some of these injuries are caused by defective conditions on the property itself. Buildings that are not in compliance with state and local building codes can present an unreasonable risk to guests to that property. If you or a loved one were injured in an accident involving building code violations, you may be entitled to compensation.
Understanding the Importance of Building Codes
“Building codes” refers to the standards that regulate building design and construction. Building codes require materials, building practices, and structures to meet certain standards for reliability and safety. Common building code violations include:
- Structural defects
Mental Injuries in Your California Personal Injury Case
Many people do not realize that many physical injuries also cause serious mental injuries. A person who is involved in a brutal car accident may experience extreme anxiety and fear for months or even years after the accident. An individual who is hurt in an attack caused by negligent security may experience flashbacks and nightmares of the incident that leave him or her unable to live a normal life. If you have been involved in a serious accident and are now suffering psychological symptoms as a result, you may be able to get compensation for these mental injuries through a personal injury lawsuit.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
One of the most common types of mental injuries that a person involved in an injury-causing incident can develop is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, nightmares, emotional numbness, insomnia, problems with concentration, being easily startled, and more. A person suffering from PTSD may go out of his or her way to avoid activities or places that remind him or her of the traumatic experience. Someone involved in a car accident may find it hard to even ride in a vehicle let alone drive after the incident. The symptoms of PTSD can dramatically affect a person’s ability to function normally.