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Practice Motorcycle Safety During Winter Months

 Posted on October 19,2016 in Motorcycle Accidents

winter motorcycle safety, San Jose motorcycle accident attorneyCalifornia is well known for extended seasons of tropical weather—an ideal location for year-round motorcycling. There are several reasons why to choose a motorcycle as the primary means of transportation. Along with the thrill of the ride comes the added financial benefit and increased mobility through traffic jams. However, one disadvantage is apparent when it comes to their physical size in comparison to other vehicles in a collision. Precautions must be taken at all times for motorcycle safety. Moreover, there are additional precautions that should be considered during winter months to prevent motorcycle accidents

Safety Tips for All Driving Conditions

Motorcyclists must follow the same laws of the road as any other vehicle. Additionally, the state has mandated requirements and suggestions that are in place to protect these riders. These safety measures for riders include the following:

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Tired Truckers Should Be Held Accountable

 Posted on October 13,2016 in Truck Accidents

b2ap3_thumbnail_tired-truckers-truck-driver-fatigue-San-Jose.jpgLack of adequate sleep is believed to be a predominate factor in many of the problems that ail our society today, not the least of which are the associated medical concerns. Studies show that only 65 percent of Americans regularly get the recommended seven hours of sleep at night. Hence, a significant portion of the population suffers from the effects during their daily routines.

Most individuals feel that a lack of sleep is a personal concern and should not be regulated. Yet what happens when fatigue leads to an accident that takes someone else’s life? As truckers spend a significant portion of their time on the roadways, it is imperative that these drivers get adequate sleep to ensure the safety of those around them.

It is Not Just Good Sense, it is the Law

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California Burn Injuries

 Posted on October 05,2016 in Catastrophic Injuries

burn injuries, San Jose burn injury attorneyBurns have the potential to be extremely serious or even fatal. The effect burns have on a victim can be devastating. Moreover, burns can come from a wide variety of sources. However, when burn injuries occur due to the negligence and disregard of someone else, there is an added layer of emotional responses. You have options to obtain financial relief from the accumulating medical dues as well as compensation for the pain and suffering endured.

Most Common Causes of Burns

According to the American Burn Association, 486,000 cases of burns have been reported in 2016, nearly 40,000 of them required hospitalization or treatment at trauma centers. First, second, and third-degree burns were suffered from home fires, occupational hazards, street and highway accidents, as well as recreational equipment. Burn statistics are as follows:

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Leash Laws Protect Against Dog Bites

 Posted on September 26,2016 in Dog Bites

Santa Clara County dog bite lawyerSome laws may appear extraneous and unnecessary. However, for someone to set forth the effort to create a new law, someone, somewhere must have needed a definitive legal option. To many, California leash laws seem arbitrary, especially to those who have well-trained canines that listen and obey consistently. However, these laws are far from useless as they set out to protect innocent individuals from unprovoked dog bites.

Santa Clara County Leash Laws

Just like humans, canine animals do have “bad days”. They do experience shifts in mood and what normally would not bother them may be enough to make them lash out if the conditions are right, explaining why leashing is essential. The ordinances of Santa Clara County define leash laws. The Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority (SVACA) says that all canines require a leash if they are to be off of the private property of the owner, including land and vehicle. There are some areas in which a dog is not allowed at all, regardless of a leash, such as a city park. There are parameters for securing a dog. Some specifics include:

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Workplace Injuries Can Be Taken to Court

 Posted on September 19,2016 in Workplace Accidents

San Jose workplace accident lawyerAfter sustaining an injury while at work, it often becomes difficult, if not impossible, to continue employment. Without working, there is no paycheck and without that income, daily bills start to accrue. Let us not forget that in addition to those monthly dues there now is the added necessity for visits for medical professionals. Many often stress about making ends meet after an injury. Following a workplace injury at the fault of someone else, the negligent party should be held responsible.  

Understand the Difference

Understanding the various options for claims is the best way to begin the recovery process. There are two potential routes to pursue. The best solution for you is dependent on the circumstances of the incident. The two options available are:

  • Workers’ Compensation: If the injury occurred at work regardless of fault, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. California requires that all employers, even those with only one employee, carry this insurance which covers injuries or illness due to work for almost every circumstance. Even if the victim is also the negligent party, workers’ compensation benefits still apply. While you cannot receive pain and suffering compensation, you are eligible for weekly payments to cover the income lost due to injury as well as specific medical bills.

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What Not to Do After a Crash: Three Things Every Driver Should Avoid When Involved in an Accident

 Posted on September 12,2016 in Car Accidents

San Jose car accident attorneyThe moment you find yourself in a car accident, your mind races with a slew of concerns. You must assess whether or not you or any of your passengers are injured, check on the other drivers involved in the crash, exchange information, and speak with the police. Then, you will probably be forced to relive the whole scene again and again as you recall and give an account to law enforcement and insurance companies of what led to the collision.

Making sure you are covering all the necessary bases in the midst of the shock that comes with the immediate aftermath of a crash can be overwhelming. It is just as important, however, to take note of what you should not do following the crash

Do Not Run

Whether you strike someone’s property with your vehicle, experience a collision with a pedestrian, or rear-end another car, do not ever flee the scene. Hit-and-run penalties can be harsh. California law requires you to come to a complete stop and to exchange information with the other driver(s). The only time the law allows you to leave the scene of the accident is if you are unable to locate the driver. For example, if you hit a parked car or some other type of property and the owner is nowhere to be found. In this situation, the law requires you to leave a note with an explanation of the accident along with your contact information. Then, you must report the accident to the California Highway Patrol (CHP).

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Driving Behaviors That Increase Your Chances of a Collision by 400 Percent

 Posted on September 05,2016 in Car Accidents

San Jose car accident attorneysYou read that correctly; certain driving behaviors can actually increase your chances of being in a collision by four hundred percent. According to the California Highway Patrol, distracted driving behaviors--particularly the use of a cell phone--increases your chance of being in a car accident by 400 percent, and makes it 23 times more likely for you to be at risk for collision. Those are pretty astonishing statistics, but the fact that so many drivers continue to text and talk on their phones while driving sadly implies such driving behaviors are not taken very seriously.

Dangerous Driving Behaviors that Put You and Others in Harm’s Way

Sending one single text requires the average person 4.6 seconds of their time, and driving at 65 miles per hour and texting for a mere three seconds is the equivalent of driving the length of a football field completely blindfolded. Although using your cell phone in any way, shape, or form while behind the wheel is the most dangerous and the most commonly talked about distracted driving habit, other behaviors such as eating, interacting with other passengers, and fidgeting with the radio put you at serious risk for accident and injury as well.

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Labor Day Parties May Be Primed for Disaster

 Posted on August 29,2016 in Premises Liability

San Jose premises liability lawyerLabor Day is a public holiday that occurs on the first Monday in September. Typically, it is a federal holiday where government workers and schools all have the day off. The holiday was created as a part of the labor movement and celebrates the economic and social development of American workers. It continues to be a national tribute to the workers who have made contributions to the well-being of our country. Many consider it to be the last day of the summer season, and therefore celebrations often include barbecues and other outdoor parties. These festivities can turn a fun day of celebrating into a lifetime of recovery for anyone injured due to the neglect of an uncaring host, which could also lead to premises liability claims.

What Can Go Wrong?

The sun is shining, the weather is a perfect temperature, and the gang is all together. When the host lets their guard down, relaxes, and begins to neglect the responsibility of safety to their attendees, disaster can strike. There may be plenty of areas that need further consideration rather than relaxation. Looking around and not including the proclivity of alcohol consumption, there are:

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The Basics of Personal Injury Claims

 Posted on August 22,2016 in Personal Injury

San Jose personal injury lawyerIf you or a loved one has recently suffered an injury due to the negligence of someone else, you have likely been visiting health professionals in an attempt to get back to normal. For this, you are spending your time and hard earned money to resolve something that was not your fault. That does not seem very fair, does it? The person who is at fault should pay for the damages they have caused. This principle is the basis of personal injury claims.

Civil Court

There two types of cases in the American court system: civil and criminal. Personal injury cases are tried in a civil court because a civil court is where private citizens or companies can take action against one another. No criminal laws are addressed here. Unlike criminal cases, there is no right to a court-appointed attorney, so you will need to secure your representation. Judges, commissioners, or juries decide the verdict. Decisions are on the amount of the evidence but the believability of one story over the other.

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Auto Accidents Resulting in Death

 Posted on August 15,2016 in Car Accidents

San Jose fatal car accident attorneyWhen an auto accident occurs, families are left to deal with the aftermath. If the accident results in the death of a loved one, many families are severely affected in every aspect of their life, from the pain of the loss to the costs incurred and the life-long lasting memories of the event. After the occurrence of a fatal car crash, families often seek answers and assistance in putting a new version of their lives back together.

What Happens to the Families

Accident numbers have been on the rise in the last couple of years. In California alone, over 3,000 fatal car accidents were reported in 2013. Not only is a family likely reeling from an unexpected loss of a significant portion of their life, they then are forced to make a quickly pull together a funeral, make necessary repairs, and attend doctor’s appointments themselves. If the victim earned the primary source of income, the family may also face:

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